Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This the the elevation profile for the course in AR for the weekend. It looks pretty tough. Definatly going to be a grinder of a race. I am going to make sure and get some rest in before hand. I just found the profile today, so I am trying to decide which bike to rock for this race. The 26 HT will climb well, and has UST. The 29 just feels like it has a motor on it when climbing though, so I am leaning toward that. What ever, we will jsut have to wait and see. I have laid out my training calander from now until the 17th of Aug. I am going to try and hit 95% of those workouts and restdays. I will be intergrating some hard core circut training in there, with at least three double days. Its what Mark Twight calls "the attitude of the knife"...cut off whats incomplete. I think that is originaly taken from the movie "Dune" but I am not certaine.

First B race last night at the crit. Faster pace, and smarter compitition made this an interesting experience. I made two trips up front, but there was nothing to be had. The amount of time it took to recover from these short efforts was about double what it took in the C race. With three to go, there was a sharp increase in speed that had me in good position, with good legs. I quickly realized that the anxiety level was increasing, so I backed off. Overall, a good race, and an easy spin to an from the park got me over 40 miles for the day.

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