Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Last night came together real well. I hung in the pack, doing some work up front, but not for too long. The pace was being pushed by none other than Christopher. With three to go, I was front third of the pack, and kept this position while there was alot of movement around me. Like DB told me, "stay in the center of the pack, and everyone else is moving around you, like Danail-san. Most broke early on the last lap, at the bottom of the hill, I just carried some sick momentum to the top, and accelerated to the last 30 meters, then got out of a saddle. At the top of the hill, I rolled up on a junior, he was ready for a sprint, I did, he won. Evidently he is a 2, that was in the C race to help his dad who is a "Legit 5" I will be catting up next week. Afterwards we had a BBQ in the park. Good food, good beer, good friends. Great way to end the day.

Big shout to MJ at Mesa, he really did an awesome job setting my up on a new ride. I bought his Seven frame from him, and swapped some parts onto it. The ride is unbelievably smooth. At any speed, the smoothness is the same. Also, when you hit the gas, this thing moves. I had a FSA SLK carbon crank with 53/39 put on, that makes a huge difference. I am super impressed with the difference this bike makes. I am really fired up to go and ride some of my training routs to see how it rides. Legs were also good last night. Felt somewhat sluggish early in the ride, but things loosened up as time went on. This weekend should be hard core. Stay tuned for pictures of the new ride.

1 comment:

Skeet Skeet said...

Yo dog. Great job on the crits and MTB races this year. Killin it.
Need to go riding some time.