Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Crit Racing

Last night I rolled up to the Tuesday night Crit in Crondolet Park. This was my first hack at Crit racing, so I was a little apprehensive. I saw alot of familiar faces. I got a sub-par 20 minute warm up, and rolled up to the back of the pack at the line. The first lap was neutral, and the pace quickened shortly after that. It took me about two and one half laps to move to the front. Once I was there, I pushed the pace some. There is not alot to talk about. We did 15 min + 3 laps. During that time I did some work at the front, and also spent some time moving through the pack. I moved to the front on the last lap, and had the lead down the hill. I missed the initial acceleration up the hill, and was mid-pack coming around the last corner. My sprint is pretty much non existent, so there was not much of a chance to catch the leaders. Overall, it was an intense experience, that I thoroughly enjoyed. I will be doing more of these, especially since I paid the $20 initiation fee. I paced a few people that I will be racing against this weekend. They look strong, with good form. I look forward to the competition.


Boz said...

Crits are a whole different animal. Nothing like the mtb racing. Much more tactical and while you can try to ride off the front, most likely you need to bide your time and wait for the finish sprint. I know you can sprint, you led me out at Froze Toes and we were clocking 37mph rolling up the hill!

Living a Lie said...

Yeah, it was a rookie mistake. I agree with the tactical part. The game plan is totally different. I have some knowlege to gain, and the whole summer to to gain it. Its like playing chess.