Friday, September 5, 2008


Made it over to Forest Park last night. Despite the best efforts of traffic. Ralph pulled up next to me while I was gearing up. These pictures are courtesy of him. I have not had a chance to ride the new bike, with the exception of fitting, and around the parking lot/ driveway. First impressions very, very positive. The Grifos are soooo smooth. I was running 40 PSI in the back, and about 35 in the front. Not sure if this is in range or not, but it felt great. Super cush ride, fared well in the DEEP mud. I did unseat the rear wheel at one point, not sure how that happened. The rest of the ride was awesome. Check out that sweet bike fit. I felt very comfortable on the rig, very good positioning for some sick bike handling skills. Thanks to Breslin for that. I was expecting a pretty easy ride, but RP had a brutal course set up, with some steep climbs, and steady up hills in boggy mud. I was using the 25 alot. Got a chance to work on the mounts/dismounts, and shouldering. I am sore today from carrying the bike over the shoulder. A quick clean up, and I was off to the Taproom for some APA and some good times with friends.


Skeet Skeet said...

Nice!! Those Grifos clincher or Tubular? Im running Tubular with those tires, havent got to try them yet. Are they good or what?

Living a Lie said...

They are open tubulers. They work on a clincher rim. The grifos are good in the deep mud, and gravel. I compare it to riding tubless on a MTB.

Boz said...

gotta get down there soon. time to cross it up. pfood was saying you're running solid already!!