Thursday, August 7, 2008


Three days of healing, not recovery under my belt. I am kicking around getting back on the bike toinght, but have not made up my mind. The sorness is still with me, but not as bad as it was monday and Tuesday. The weather looks insane for the weekend. That means opitons abound for biking. MTB or Road will be the question, not weather or not it is going to rain on me.


Boz said...

Several days of recovery spins and you'll be back to normal. Keep on truckin', bro.

Davey B said...

Glad to hear you are feeling normal. Take your time and and come back 110% so you don't do any damage that will keep you from having fun this fall... take the time now.


Skeet Skeet said...

Hope your feeling better. Seriously, take the time you need. I tried to ride through some sickness and wasted a month getting back to normal.