Friday, August 15, 2008

Big weekend on Tap.

Next NORBA race in cape garage door on Sunday. I am getting excited, a little anxious about it. I have not put in any intensity since the mishap on the OT. The riding has been spaced out, short, and at least one rest day between rides. I am heading to Landal tomorrow to help out Zach B. and Keeven. They will be waging an assault on the 6 hour race. I might even get to ride some of the trails.

I rode Greensfelder this morning. Dogwood is fast and in good shape, but there are a few areas that disrupt flow. I was owned on the Declue. I bashed both of my shins on a trip over the bars. This put me in a bad mood for the rest of the lap, so it was hard to enjoy the declue after that. Those trails are used hard by horses, and hardly by bikers, so I cant really bitch too much. I need to just shut my mouth, and take a rake and gloves over there to smooth out and armor sections that need attention.

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